Assessing global climate action after the California summit

The Global Climate Action Summit, held in San Francisco September 12-14, 2018 showed the world just how far climate action has advanced since Paris. Over 5,000 climate leaders from cities, states and regions, the private sector, investors, civil society, faith groups, and many other sectors gathered to showcase how they are delivering on the goals of the Paris Agreement. The summit also mobilized over 500 new commitments, and culminated in a call for national governments to step up ambition. This surge of climate action gives governments meeting in Katowice at COP24 new opportunities and impetus to implement and enhance their commitments by 2020.

This summary assesses where global climate action stands after the California summit by highlighting:

1. Findings from reports prepared for the Summit on the scale and potential of climate action

2. Key outcomes from the Summit

3. Opportunities for national governments to build on the groundswell of climate action.

Read the full summary here.