2018 will be a critical year to step up climate ambition. The groundswell of climate
action by non-party stakeholders creates opportunities for national governments to harvest the
experience, resources, and achievements of non-party stakeholders to enhance their own
ambition. At COP23, non-party stakeholders can signal their interest to identify such opportunities for parties over the coming year.
Key points:
- 1. 2018 is a critical year to step up climate action. COP23 is an important opportunity for non-party stakeholders to prepare for success and signal their intent for 2018 to parties.
- Climate action at COP23 will be structured around demonstrating progress, highlighting ambitious action and success stories, and identifying new opportunities for action.
- “New opportunities” should come in two forms: 1) new, improved, and scaled up commitments by non-party stakeholders; and 2) opportunities for national governments to work with non-party stakeholders to enhance NDCs.