The post-COP26 setting marks a critical moment for the multilateral climate process, in seeing a relative shift away from negotiations towards the implementation of the Paris Agreement. Subnational and non-state actors will consequently take increasingly important roles in not only supporting stronger ambition taken by Parties, but in helping Parties implement their national commitments.
As such, the UNFCCC’s dedicated platform for bridging subnational and non-state actors with national governments – the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action (MPGCA) – will taken on greater importance as the climate regime shifts to implementing the goals of the Paris Agreement during this ‘decade of delivery’.
Given that this shift will take place as an African country hosts COP27, the host country – and the continent at large – will play a significant role in driving forward the Global Climate Action (GCA) agenda under the UNFCCC.
These two briefing notes provide an introduction to this evolving context, an overview of the current activities of the MPGCA under the current High-Level Climate Champions, and the specific opportunities facing the COP27 Presidency in consolidating this agenda whilst advancing climate action in Africa. The documents are prepared for two audiences in mind: stakeholders engaged in climate action with less familiarity of the international process, and those aware and knowledgeable of the UNFCCC process and the GCA space.
Read the briefing note for general audiences here (français; عربي).