Recent and upcoming events
Catalyzing Climate Actions for Resilient Development | Bonn, Germany | 9am - 5pm, June 5, 2015
Given the fact that most non-state climate actions are northern-led, although needs are greatest in developing countries, this event addresses the question of how non-state and subnational climate action could be catalyzed in developing countries. Moreover, the aim is to explore how governments, UNFCCC secretariat, and other organizations could ensure more effective non-state action in developing countries... Read more.
Galvanizing the Groundswell Networking Event | Bonn, Germany | 6:15pm, June 5, 2015
On 5 June 2015, the UNFCCC Secretariat in collaboration with the German Development Institute/ Deutsches Institut fur Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) and Galvanizing the Groundswell of Climate Actions will jointly host a networking reception at the UNFCCC Climate Change Conference with the theme "Galvanizing a groundswell movement for transformational solutions toward a low-carbon and climate resilient future". Read more.
Groundswell Dialogue Session | Bonn, Germany | 1:30 - 2:45pm June 6, 2015
A central part of the UNFCCC's official ‘Climate Action Fair’ program, this session raises the profile of the groundswell of climate actions to a broader audience, explaining how the groundswell supports countries and enhances success at the Paris Conference of the Parties and beyond. Read More.
Past events
How can we understand and evaluate this groundswell of actions? Expectations are building towards the upcoming Paris talks, with hopes that these new actions and initiatives will strengthen efforts to reach existing climate goals and raise overall ambition of the global community’s response to climate change post-2020. However, there are many questions regarding the evaluation of these actions by non-state... Read more.
Workshop: NAZCA Platform Consultation | Geneva, Switzerland | February 6 - 7, 2015
The creation of NAZCA Platform signaled the solidification of the essential role of non-state and sub-national actors alongside nation states. This workshop met to discuss and produce a series of recommendations on the development and guiding principles of NAZCA. The recommendations focused on... Read more.
Catalyzing climate actions at all levels | Lima, Peru | December 8, 2014
The groundswell of climate actions at every level was celebrated at numerous events in Lima, including a special Lima Climate Action High Level meeting, at which the UNFCCC secretariat and Peruvian government launched the Non-state Actor Zone for Climate Action (NAZCA) platform. This workshop hosted by Galvanizing the Groundswell of Climate Actions discussed how we can maximize the potential of this opportunity... Read more.
Designing a global platform for climate actions | Oxford, UK | July 24 - 25, 2014
The aim of this workshop was to kickstart a design of a global platform of the actions and commitments that cities, companies, civil society groups, and other sub- and non-state actors are taking to mitigate climate change. Various governments and civil society groups have called for such a registry in the context of the United Nations climate negotiations as a way to galvanize climate action alongside a multilateral treaty... Read more.