Catalyzing climate action at all levels
Lima, Peru | December 8, 2014
Westin Hotel and Convention Center, Calle Las Begonias 450, San Isidro, Lima 27
The groundswell of climate actions at every level was celebrated at numerous events in Lima, including a special Lima Climate Action High Level Meeting, at which the UNFCCC Secretariat and Peruvian Government launched the Non-state Actor Zone for Climate Action (NAZCA) platform, an online tool to showcase and aggregate climate action by cities, companies, states and regions, and other actors from around the world. NAZCA imports data from several sources, including the Climate Initiatives Database, ICLEI's carbonn Climate Registry (cCR), the Climate Disclosure Project, and the Climate Group. As we move toward COP21 in Paris in December 2015, there is an enormous opportunity to bring the groundswell of climate action to a higher level of scope and ambition.
The Catalyzing Climate Action at All Levels workshop hosted by Galvanizing the Groundswell discussed how we can maximize the potential of this opportunity. Crosscutting themes from presentations by various initiatives included integration, coordination, scaling, amplifying, and enhancing. In considering objectives for a network of cooperative initiatives, four stood out: raising ambition; providing accountability; building the narrative of momentum for change; and connecting the international climate change regime with action happening on the ground.
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